President : Lim Yang Kwang (Wad kind of president is this!!!???) (The best yet the worst leader you could find on earth)
Vice President : Koh Qi Xuan (President's partner... Dare to do everything XD)
Secretary : Ooi Chun Lin (kuai kia... siao siao... 2nd in the class wan!!! We call him 'The White Akon')
Asst. Secretary : Ow Liang Yue (steammer...Recently only got interested in W.R. activities.....)
Treasurer : Leong Yu Kai (the best AJK in W.R. [coz always donate class fund to W.R] HaHax!!)
Asst. Treasurer : Chew Shun Jie (Very Creative XD!!)
Auditor : Steven Ong Wen Tian (leave Western Republic on 13th May....came back saying sorry to vice president in tuition at 13th May.... still in observation.... Asst. Auditor was the Auditor temporary until observation period [1-2 weeks][just to confirm that he isn't a spy & he's loyal to WR] was over)
Asst. Auditor : Lim Zi Bing (You don't wanna see him mad X.X )
Advance Class Master : Ng Aik Gee (called himself DotA Pro...(nobody knows wether if it is true) 100% for English!! Advance Class ma... )
Discipline Master : Ng Yan Xun ( Dunno do wat discipline master. Totally no discipline at all!! "Discipline? There's no such thing." -yx )
Emo Master : Boon Cheng Kai ( EMO KING... Bo rasa!! )
Talent Master : Liow Ying Chen (Discover talent in him... beat box, singing, guitar, bass....godlike)
Diplomat : Ong Tze Han (kuai kia oso... dengar kata got crashed wif teacher wo...XD )
Notice Board : Philip Chin Zhen Yew ("sing along with me... you are so beautiful... so damn beautiful...")
Notice Board : Philip Khor Qing An (erm.. he could be more do we hope that he becomes more helpful XD )
Spy : Tan Yi Herng (absent recently...H1N1 swine flu... Aoi !!!! The ultimate spy of W.R )
A1 Gabenor : Lim Chu Gen (have lots of contribution towards WR. Good job!!!!!)(advertise blog at A1 plz
A2 Gabenor : Ooi Kean Hean (didn't seen him in WR....except for drop by telling hello....XD)
A3 Gabenor : Toon Xiau Wei (erm....wad to type ar??)
A5 Gabenor : Go How Kean (every morning will sure come to see about WR)(advertise blog at A5 plz)

Vice President : Koh Qi Xuan (President's partner... Dare to do everything XD)
Secretary : Ooi Chun Lin (kuai kia... siao siao... 2nd in the class wan!!! We call him 'The White Akon')
Asst. Secretary : Ow Liang Yue (steammer...Recently only got interested in W.R. activities.....)
Treasurer : Leong Yu Kai (the best AJK in W.R. [coz always donate class fund to W.R] HaHax!!)
Asst. Treasurer : Chew Shun Jie (Very Creative XD!!)
Auditor : Steven Ong Wen Tian (leave Western Republic on 13th May....came back saying sorry to vice president in tuition at 13th May.... still in observation.... Asst. Auditor was the Auditor temporary until observation period [1-2 weeks][just to confirm that he isn't a spy & he's loyal to WR] was over)
Asst. Auditor : Lim Zi Bing (You don't wanna see him mad X.X )
Advance Class Master : Ng Aik Gee (called himself DotA Pro...(nobody knows wether if it is true) 100% for English!! Advance Class ma... )
Discipline Master : Ng Yan Xun ( Dunno do wat discipline master. Totally no discipline at all!! "Discipline? There's no such thing." -yx )
Emo Master : Boon Cheng Kai ( EMO KING... Bo rasa!! )
Talent Master : Liow Ying Chen (Discover talent in him... beat box, singing, guitar, bass....godlike)
Diplomat : Ong Tze Han (kuai kia oso... dengar kata got crashed wif teacher wo...XD )
Notice Board : Philip Chin Zhen Yew ("sing along with me... you are so beautiful... so damn beautiful...")
Notice Board : Philip Khor Qing An (erm.. he could be more do we hope that he becomes more helpful XD )
Spy : Tan Yi Herng (absent recently...H1N1 swine flu... Aoi !!!! The ultimate spy of W.R )
A1 Gabenor : Lim Chu Gen (have lots of contribution towards WR. Good job!!!!!)(advertise blog at A1 plz
A2 Gabenor : Ooi Kean Hean (didn't seen him in WR....except for drop by telling hello....XD)
A3 Gabenor : Toon Xiau Wei (erm....wad to type ar??)
A5 Gabenor : Go How Kean (every morning will sure come to see about WR)(advertise blog at A5 plz)

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