You'll Never Be The Same Here

refer to title above...
Yan Xun, do said that while copying notes from white board...
and this is what he got from doing that...

Friday (24-07-2009)
while our moral teacher, (not cheam. Pn.Mazlinawati now)
was marking others book,
Yang Kwang & Aik Gee bring his book for teacher...
It was recess time... So Yan Xun quickly ran out....

When teacher saw his work,
"Ya Allah.... Apa ni!?"
:"Apa ni!?"
"Buku ini siapaaa punya??"
"Cikguuu...ini bukan kami punya"
Still marking...
"Apa ini!?"
then she mark finish...
(tulisan like this still got tick)


There are some of them wasn't Yan Xun's handwritting... For instance....

Aik Gee's handwritting

Yang Kwang's handwritting

Still bo kia si...

Monday's work (27-7-2009)

this time Yan Xun only supply book....

Handwritting by Aik Gee (90%), Yang Kwang (10%)

P/S : File size of images are too big... So can't enlarge it to see...


aiyayai this is so..COOL! =D

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