What The Hell!!!
thank god it is saturday where the incident happened!!
then next....
we enjoyed junk foods won by the westerns during saturday....
special thanks to President and Spy's group (Group 4) for winning the first prize
and got us a "Sarapan Sampah"
AJK that attended the Kelab Pencinta Alam (KPA) White Coffin One Day Camp are:
President, Talent Master, Tresurer, Spy, Noticeboard
(Yang Kwang, Ying Chen, Yu Kai, Yi Herng, Philip Chin)
Zi Bing busy ''CheeKo'' at the one day camp
this is how he usually acts!!
vice-president didn't show up that day....
because he went for volleyball competition...(yes!! got talk abot me ler!!)
another bad news for the westerns....
our class handball team
Professionally Untrained Kings International (P.U.K.I) ...
that consists most of players from d westerns....
lost 4-2....
at least dint get 4-0!!
keep it up westerns!!
another idiot thing happnened in class....
our sivik teacher....
just walk in the class...
early in the morning where we mostly having our time
speechless and acting cool...
she say: ''keluarkan buku nota dan buku teks!!''
westerns looking at each other....
then she walked pass us....
our president, talent master and advanced class master...
tiok gai
then she continue...
"pergi depan!!"
the three of them became our representative....
because they didn't bring sivik teks book....
demerit again and again....
buku teks nia ma...
not killing pupil also...
then afterall was fun fun & fun in the classroom n IT room!!
then ying chen found something very behoseh in our school brand new toilet....
someone 'settle' themselves in the new toilet
that was just renovated fews days ago without flushing!!

WR forever!!
You'll Never Be The Same Here ....
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