This is seriously a MASSIVE MASSIVE update!! =) wooot
-WR Queensbay BBQ Madness-
This party was the day before the first day at paradise beach. Westerns went to queensbay play and buy ingredients. We ate at nandoS for lunch.
Dua Qiao talk talk talk haha
talking and laughing all the way
"Dua Qiao" solo so much food (1st guy from right)
WR-You'll Never Be The Same Here
Kean Hean did this haha too boring liao
After that we went for movie...Surrogates....(SUCKS...too much talking than action)
Then go CYC play arcade...INITIAL D....
Then went shopping for food for later's bbq party at ying chen's house
Then we went to ying chen's house and time to set up the fire! Scout pros started to do their jobs
woot cheng kai's fire is very successful that day
aiyo two person "SANG" here haha xD
fire was hot and started with some light food...
HERE comes the CHICKEN WINGS! thanks to yang kwang's mum!
Philip came bit later..but the fun is still there!
starting to flood with food and day getting dark!
Erm Yi Herng??
wad u looking at?? the its UNO and POKER TIME!
gt new member ar.. can u behave ??
dun go 'char siao' xuan
LOSER has to eat 2 of this saussages! XD (i tot the whole plate???)
that's probably it...for more extra photos about our bbq party and after the bbq party, we will post it at another post! stay tuned for more! =)
ok so this is the part II of the sandcastle competition tranning camp.
after a long long day at the beach and kena sunburn...we went to yu kai's 2nd home...that was jusy beside the beach and there was a swimming pool. took off everything and YAAAAAAAAAAA!!! jump in the pool all like baby play at baby pool...trying out the slide haha
chengkai saying: come eat me BABAy!
then all ki gang bang in swimming pool....tzk tzk
Some behoseh...
ki hiao 最高境界
but a lil YAM
ok then after swim finish go up yu kai's house....OVERLOAD when yeong zhi came in so he waited for the next lift xD
Everyone was super went to a nearby food court and EAT EAT EAT
CHEESE naan set (the best of all!)
then dunno why qi xuan's back allergic to smth...
because back allergic to smth,
after applying 'hong iu',
can't help it but to wear its 'bikini' like this
ok at night ying chen, yan xun and yang kwang went to qi xuans house and overnight for another night. qi xuan's dad belanja us drink wine with him. this is a very special wine. got milk summore haha. but the cap was spoilt and the milk and wine cannot come out evenly. so we drank red wine.
after drinking red wine yan xun started to talk nonsense...
commenting the 偶像剧
"我真的不明白啊...为什么偶像剧的主角每次都是美美的, 他们的父母就像SAI一样"
haha all of us betahan... listening to him shooting those drama
everyone was so red....ying chen the redDest!
haha den off we go to bed..slept slept pigs..zzzzzzzzzzzzz
haha all those topless mentioned at the previous post now kena charm charm... All FRAGILE
Yang Kwang and Kean Hean bo rasa, juz the neck there gt little sunburn.