we'll going to have a new year celebration!!
details as follows:-
DATE: 01.01.10 (Friday)
TIME: 11am onwards!!
VENUE: Yu Kai's House... again
ADDRESS: Villa Ria Apartment, 529 Jalan Tanjung Bunga, Tanjung Bungah, Penang.
View Larger Map
You are personally invited!!
Kindly contact Qi Xuan @ 01649849348 or Yang Kwang @ 0103965228
Ps. Facilities there can be used such as swimming pool, gymnasium room, ping pong room etc. Kindly bring/wear the correct attire. Esp. for swimming
this was kinda old..
that friday,
oh i remembered that it was the last day of school.
we, Philip and Yang Kwang,
went to komtar to meet Qi Xuan.
After we settle our Genting Trip with the travel agency,
Xuan's dad came and fetch us to his house.
then, Yan Xun & Chun Lin came afterwards.
the party starts!!
(lol dunno why Philip want to celebrate with us after he celebrates with his family on his birthday)
We ordered pizza hut's delivery to Xuan's house...
wah.. makes me hungry now!!
haha.. a short video on his birthday xD
after that,
while opening sparkling juice,
dunno why the plastic cork 'shoots' the ceiling.
luckily it didn't 'shoots' the lights.
Cheers for Philip!!
all kinda dirty cause waiting to go swimming!!
after swimming, philip and xuan started to playing ps2 while others were watching...
chun lin went home 1st at 6pm while others having a burger as dinner.
while waiting for going home,
we were talking & kapsiao-ing beside the swimming pool..
philip went home 1st while kwang follow xun's car back home..
ah.. xun also bought a vanila-coke.. special one
Western Republic : Class for 2010
Leong Yu Kai
Boon Cheng Kai
Ng Aik Gee
Ooi Kean Hean
Liow Ying Chen
Go How Kean
Lim Zi Bing
Ow Liang Yue
Ng Yan Xun
Toon Xiau Wei
Tan Yi Herng
Philip Chin Zhen Yew
Lim Chu Gen
Lim Yang Kwang
Koh Qi Xuan
Chew Shun Jie
just a short post..
WR will be holding a BBQ X'mas Party.
Details as follows:-
DATE: 25/12/2009 (Friday)
TIME: 10am-10pm
VENUE: Yu Kai's House
ADDRESS: Villa Ria Apartment, 529 Jalan Tanjung Bunga, Tanjung Bungah, Penang.
View Larger Map
Note* All Are Invited to this BBQ Party.
Kindly contact Qi Xuan @ 01649849348 or Yang Kwang @ 0103965228
That day after we had sandcastle celebration at town steamboat restaurant,
we, YXun, QXuan, YKwang (lol y always three of them)
waited at Times Square waiting for Kwang's mum to fetch us home.
That day,
we went home by
Kwang's mum's friend's car..(Zzz)
erm i think its Ford F-150 ba
everyone started to ki siao
just enjoy the video!!
ok the prank kena by the mark: A4 western republic's spy...dat day,
prankers: Yang Kwang, Aik Gee and Ying Chen
受害者: Yi Herng
that day,
those prankers go prank yi herng,
prank RM20 d snacks
coz at school all getting bored,
not thing to do,
plus yi herng ponteng school so many days.
We prank about Class Party will be held tomorrow.
Thanks to RM20 from yi herng
Kindly working on the image below...
too big le cannot enlarge, save image also no use
gt le!!
u can download this pic at 4shared
simply click here, scroll down and click download.
after download,
zoom in 16x for best result.
omg such a long IM
Prankers gud ar... thx yi herng
The Strongest Man In Western Republic.
Introducing you...
EMO Master, Mr Boon Cheng Kai, Weighting XX Kilo, From Taman Lip Sin Penang.
lol why sounds like WWE Wrestling??
speaking about WWE,
WWF recently launched a new advertisement,
sponsored by Honda to 提高 awareness at our Sumatran Rhinos.
the reason Ah Boon so strong is because he 拔树长大的
after he was at age 9,
he stopped 拔树.
it is because he cares for the nature,
so do the rhinos.
he started to 拍广告,
not 拔树广告 but 爱树广告
his advertisement can be found at this school bus.
C'mon guys and gals!!
love our nature!!
be a part of saving rhinos by saving the trees
Ps. Click image to enlarge
Talent Master's Beatbox at Penang Times Square!!
Ying Chen performed nearly 7 minutes of beatbox on "A Fight For A Good Case - Pillow Fight" on 21 November 2009.
As a part of Western Republic,
some WR went to support (actually zho siao)
that day,
those WRs are Qi Xuan, Yan Xun Yang Kwang,
went to "support"
haha xD
summore gt time indicator for the video
Analysis of the video:-
00:06.36 SHOUTS for selynn!!!
00:10.18 Xun: 'Kam Lan'
00:11.20 SHOUTS for selynn!!! (DOUBLE KILL)
00:16.00 SHOUTS for selynn!!! (DOUBLE KILL)
00:17.25 Kwang: '等他们全部WOOO的时候我们才喊Selynn'
00:19.00 SHOUTS for selynn!!!
00:32.89 A Person: '找LOH MEE给我 xD!!' (actuall : 找Tonny给我)
01:14.32 Crowds: 'Wooo!!!'
01:16.11 Kwang: '不够不够不够'
01:17.14 Xun: '不够不够不够gok!'
01:55.47 Xuan: '喂!! 为什么他喊OBAMA的'
01:57.00 Xun: 'Le...'
02:17.89 Xuan: (MJ's) Aaoww!!
02:20.34 Xun: 拜托啊!! 你拍VIDEO的技术很差啊!!'
02:35.61 Xuan: 'Ha..这个烂招..这个烂招'
02:45.98 Xun: '到底有没有人知道他在做什么??'
02:49.57 Kwang: '可是我不知道'
02:55.02 Xuan: '我们这里喊Selynn可以听到的'
02:55.87 SHOUTS for selynn!!!
02:56.00 ~ 03:04.00 SHOUTS for selynn!!! (COMBO 21 HITS)
03:19.91 Kwang: '做么没有人HIGH起来的??'
03:23.00 Xuan: 'Ying Chen Ying Chen!! Mai Sini!! Jangan Kin Ziong'
03:52.00 Xun: '拜托, 这个没有人喊 Hai~~'
03:57.90 Xun: '这些人不用来了啦!! 回家啦 回家啦!!(in Cantonese)'
03:59.00 Xuan: 'Aiyo!!'
03:59.30 Kwang: 'Aiya!!'
04:00.00 Xuan: '吃BAO啦!!(in Cantonese)'
04:00.24 Xun: '回家啦 回家啦!!(in Cantonese)'
04:06.50 Xuan: 'Woi.. 冷掉了啦!!'
04:19.82 Kwang: 'Woi.. 4分钟这样冷的'
04:21.00 Xun: 'Walao 这样冷'
04:23.03 Xuan: 'Woi!! Penang ar Penang.. Penang woi Penang!!'
04:35.00 Us: 'Wooo!!!'
04:35.21 Crowds: 'Woo!!'
04:37.08 ~ 04:40.03 SHOUTS for selynn!!! (ULTRA KILL)
04:42.33 Xuan: '热liao 热liao'
04:51.00 Crowds: 'Woo!!"
05:15.00 Crowds: 'Wooo!!!'
05:17.43 SHOUTS for selynn!!! (DOUBLE KILL)
05:55.00 Xuan: '是我们习惯liao..所以我们知道他在做什么'
06:01.89 ~ 06:07.86 CAMERA MAN (xuan) STARTED KI SIAO
06:07.32 Xun: '看不到啦!!'
06:08.00 Xuan: 'Effect Effect Effect..'
06:11.00 Crowds: 'Wooo!!!'
06:12.00 SHOUTS for selynn!!! (RAMPAGE)
06:38.03 Xuan: 'Walao 6分钟啊!!'
06:39.00 Xun: '超过liao咯'
07:03.92 Xuan: 'Waa Waa Waa 比较好听这个'
07:11.00 Xuan: 'Ha这个这样SEXY没有人喊的'
07:21.00 Xuan: 'Wooo!!!'
07:23.32 SHOUTS for selynn!!!
type till siao...
enjoy this vid!!
This is seriously a MASSIVE MASSIVE update!! =) wooot
-WR Queensbay BBQ Madness-
This party was the day before the first day at paradise beach. Westerns went to queensbay first..to play and buy ingredients. We ate at nandoS for lunch.
Dua Qiao talk talk talk haha
talking and laughing all the way
"Dua Qiao" solo so much food (1st guy from right)
WR-You'll Never Be The Same Here
Kean Hean did this haha too boring liao
After that we went for movie...Surrogates....(SUCKS...too much talking than action)
Then go CYC play arcade...INITIAL D....
Then went shopping for food for later's bbq party at ying chen's house
Then we went to ying chen's house and time to set up the fire! Scout pros started to do their jobs
woot cheng kai's fire is very successful that day
aiyo two person "SANG" here haha xD
fire was hot and started with some light food...
HERE comes the CHICKEN WINGS! thanks to yang kwang's mum!
Philip came bit later..but the fun is still there!
starting to flood with food and day getting dark!
Erm Yi Herng??
wad u looking at?? the its UNO and POKER TIME!
gt new member ar.. can u behave ??
dun go 'char siao' xuan
LOSER has to eat 2 of this saussages! XD (i tot the whole plate???)
that's probably it...for more extra photos about our bbq party and after the bbq party, we will post it at another post! stay tuned for more! =)